Must-read Books about Science and Spirituality

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The misconception about the relationship between science and spirituality has been present for quite a long time now. There are some that have already learned that these two fields aren’t at war with one another while there are others who still believe the myths about the mentioned platforms. Moreover, there are many avenues where people would be educated about this matter and literature is one of them.

If you are looking for ways on how to acquire new knowledge amidst pandemic and be productive on these tough times, reading would be the best option. Your bookshelves will surely be happy to welcome and house your new books. If you are worried on what to read that will enhance your knowledge about the relationship of science and spirituality, then here are some of the must-read titles that you should know.

From Science to Spirituality: Finding Spirituality in Science by Neil C. Griffen

This thoroughly researched book is authored by Neil C. Griffen and was published by Readersmagnet. Neil Griffen’s book about life through science to spiritually has ignited the inquisitive side of the readers to think and ask about the predetermined beliefs about the science and religious concept. The author set sail to show that science and religion are not at daggers down. There is, in fact, some crucial information that supports the perks of making use of scientific insights when studying spiritual problems and concerns, including but not limited to the frequent argument about God’s existence. This book is truly offers an insightful read.

Spiritual Science: Why Science Needs Spirituality to Make Sense of the World by Steve Taylor

Spiritual Science: Why Science Needs Spirituality to Make Sense of the World shows the ways that the standard materialist figure of the real world was created and turned into a belief system. The said ideology can only be put to work if a person brushes off or elaborates away an entire scale of phenomena, which is a factor of human experience. Moreover, it is doable to become scientific without embracing the belief system, which turned out to be more reasonable.

Waking Up: A Guide to Spirituality without Religion by Sam Harris

New York Times bestselling author Sam Harris has written a remarkable half memoir and half investigation of the bases of spirituality. This book unites contemplative knowledge and contemporary science remarkably. Harris asserts that there is more to comprehending the real world than science and worldly culture basically authorize, as well as that how everyone focus on the present greatly identifies their quality of lives. The reprint edition of Waking Up: A Guide to Spirituality without Religion, furthermore, was published in 2015 by Simon & Schuster.

The Map of Heaven: How Science, Religion, and Ordinary People Are Proving the Afterlife by Ptolemy Tompkins

Published in 2014, The Map of Heaven: How Science, Religion, and Ordinary People Are Proving the Afterlife is a remarkable book that offers you a wider view to uncover the way modern science is on the edge of the deepest revolution in history. The author narrates the tale of his near-death experience and his clear expedition to the other side. A lot of readers stated that the experience echoed to them profoundly. Because of that feedback, the author saw that sharing his story enabled everyone to uncover again the various wisdoms in ancient times which are: there is more to life and universe compared to this single life on earth.

The Quantum Revelation: A Radical Synthesis of Science and Spirituality by Paul Levy

This promising book is intended for those who have zero background in physics. The Quantum Revelation: A Radical Synthesis of Science and Spirituality is also for people who have learned that quantum physics is a fun subject but don’t really comprehend the ways and reasons of it. To state that quantum physics is the best discovery of science is not an overstatement. After the quantum realm was found, the physics community uncovered a real multidimensional discovery that can be compared to a deep spiritual gem — a previously unimagined of creative power, hidden inside the bounds of everyone’s minds. The author, therefore, examines the profound philosophical foundations of quantum physics.

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