Your Five Spiritual Self-Care Tips To Be Happy

Photo by Bazil Elias How deeply are you willing to know yourself better and explore spiritually? To face your deepest sorrows, heartbreaks, and loss? Understand the root of your fears and the origins of your emotional triggers. When was the last time you fostered your spirit? Plenty is said about promoting the physical body throughContinue reading “Your Five Spiritual Self-Care Tips To Be Happy”

The Power of Choices

Our choices really depict who we are and what we have become. We make choices every day. The choices we make will have an outcome, whether or not it is a positive or a negative one. We live because of our favorites. Sometimes the choices we make in our lives can have a consequence ofContinue reading “The Power of Choices”

Finding Faith and Inspiration in Uncertain Times

Many of us are going through a challenging time in life that has tested our resolve and relationship with God. Yet, it is precisely during these trying times that we are to keep our faith strong and hold on to our inspirations. With the pandemic still going on and economic and political uncertainty looming overContinue reading “Finding Faith and Inspiration in Uncertain Times”

Must-read Books about Science and Spirituality

The misconception about the relationship between science and spirituality has been present for quite a long time now. There are some that have already learned that these two fields aren’t at war with one another while there are others who still believe the myths about the mentioned platforms. Moreover, there are many avenues where peopleContinue reading “Must-read Books about Science and Spirituality”

4 Reasons Why You Should Give Your Life to God

Every person has different definitions pertaining to God but one thing is for sure, He is the ever-loving and most powerful God. He only asked his disciples to obey Him and all things in this world will forever side with you; however, it doesn’t mean that He didn’t plant some challenges along the way. ThoseContinue reading “4 Reasons Why You Should Give Your Life to God”

Crying for Help? 3 Reasons to Ask Help from God

Have you ever asked help from God? It is so said in the book Sitting on Jesus’s Lap: Life on Earth by Troy Louis, “Help is a word that is being used more and more, without any accountability or action. Maybe a hundred years ago, people were reluctant to ask for help, while now theContinue reading “Crying for Help? 3 Reasons to Ask Help from God”

7 Keys to Maintaining Sexual Purity

Do you honor God with your body? Perhaps the greatest temptation that is known to humankind has been around since biblical times: lust… the lust of the flesh, the lust of the eyes.   But every man is tempted, when he is drawn away of his own lust, and enticed. Then when lust hath conceived, itContinue reading “7 Keys to Maintaining Sexual Purity”

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