Tips in Writing a Heartfelt Poetry Book

Poetry is among the most aesthetic and ambiguous forms of literature. Its unique style and structure contributed to its captivating ability. There are many who fell in love with the art of poetry. Thus, these people either read lots of books under this genre or write multiple works expressing their thoughts and feelings. If youContinue reading “Tips in Writing a Heartfelt Poetry Book”

Keys in Writing a Great Mystery Romance Book

Mystery fiction is already a hit genre ever since. There are many mystery classic books that inspired some of the best contemporary mystery novels today. Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, Agatha Christie, JB Clemmens, and J.D. Robb are among the top mystery writers in literature. Romance, on the other hand, is also a powerful literary genreContinue reading “Keys in Writing a Great Mystery Romance Book”

Tips in Writing a Captivating Food Fiction Book

Writing a book is never easy, especially if it is food fiction. There are a lot of elements to take into account, as well as struggles to deal with. Shortcuts are nowhere to be found; hence, you must really start from the bottom with a blank paper on your desk and a pen on yourContinue reading “Tips in Writing a Captivating Food Fiction Book”

How to Write an Effective Book

Books are not just made up of paper and ink, they are more than that. These pieces of literature are one of the things that make life more meaning and worth living. They make people inspired and motivated in facing life each day. Books are also good source of entertainment and learning, because of theContinue reading “How to Write an Effective Book”

Tips on Creating Effective Animal Characters

Animals are among the widely used characters in the world of literature. They are not only used in fables but also in children’s literature, and even on other different genres. The Cat in the Hat, Charlotte’s Web, The Animals Kissed Goodnight, The Song of Solomon the Snail, Three Little Pigs, Little Red Riding Hood, andContinue reading “Tips on Creating Effective Animal Characters”

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